I've updated the Foobar2000 foo_controlserver component and uploaded it to Github. The new version number is  v1.1.3.  The component is backwards compatible with the prior version v1.0.2 and will work with all versions of Foobar2000 Copilot.

For instructions on downloading and installing it in Foobar2000, see :  foo_controlserver plug-in install

I've rebuilt the new version using the latest Foobar2000 SDK. I've updated the code to use the new Foobar2000 SDK APIs, so you will no longer see the 'this is a legacy preferences page' message, as was displayed when using the old version of the plug-in. The new Preferences page now fully conforms to the standard of how a Foobar2000 Preferences page should function.

I've also added the display of the IP address of your local PC on the Preferences page. See figure. This makes setting up your Foobar2000 server definitions in Foobar2000 Copilot easier since you will need to know the IP address of your server PC.



But two of the biggest changes I've made to this plug-in are adding an album art command to fetch album art from Foobar2000 and a media library search command to perform searches across your entire Foobar2000 music library -- not just one playlist.

The new version of Foobar2000 Copilot v1.3.0.0 makes use of this added plug-in functionality --- so you will be able to see your album art and you will be able to do media library searches. 

I still have to go thru Microsoft store testing and approvals before you will see the new version of Foobar2000 Copilot in the store. I'll post here when it is available.

But that is the last step of this sequenced process.

Also unlike the old versions of Foobar2000 Copilot where all Help instructions were stored within the app, the new version will point to this new updated website -- so I can make document updates without having to get Microsoft store approvals for a changed app. Also with the user manual being online, I can use the Google language translation component to provide rough translations.

If you are using the current store version v1.2.0.0 of Foobar2000 Copilot, I still recommend you download and install the new foo_controlserver component because of its updated Preferences page, including IP address display of your Foobar2000 PC.